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Put This On

Jan 19 - Troy Oliver

Have you ever gotten new clothes? What a difference it can make in your perspective, your attitude, your confidence. When Joseph got his new clothes, things didn't work out so well in the beginning. 


Perhaps, when the Lord calls us to put on new clothing, he's beginning something with eternal consequences.


Dec 12 - Troy Oliver

We follow patterns in our lives. Pictures and instructions, maps and diagrams, offers of how we should do the thing we want to do.


In Acts, Luke offers a pattern for how we ought to church. As the Early Church churched. 


Do we follow it?

In Step

Jan 5 - Troy Oliver

The first sermon from our Daily Bible Reading. In Psalm 1, David implores us not to walk in step with the world. What does it mean to walk in step with someone? And more importantly, what does it mean, not to?

Join us!

Dec 29 - Troy Oliver

New Years sermons are usually about newness. What new challenges will you face this year? What new joys? What new griefs?


As a body in Christ, we prepare to meet the challenges of the new year by being in the Scriptures, in the same way, at the same time, in the same manner, each and every day.


Join us!!

Christmas Service

Dec 22

The Christmas Season traditionally tells the story of Jesus's birth. This year, in our Christmas Service, we want to encounter Jesus, the Child, the Savior, and the King.

Protecting and Pondering

Dec 15 - Troy Oliver

When does Christmas really start? For some, it's the first song on the radio, or the lighting of the tree. For others, it's the first Christmas card in the mail.


In the Scriptures, Christmas began with an announcement, brought forth from the Heavens -- a Savior is Born!


And what of our reaction to that announcement?

Invitations & Excuses

Dec 8 - Rick Hankins

In Luke 14, Jesus was invited to a dinner party meant for evil -- but he turned it into a truth seminar, by asking us, what are the excuses we make, instead of answering the invitation into the gracious banquet of the Almighty God?

What If?

Dec 1 - Rick Hankins

In Luke 5 some men brought their friend to Jesus on a stretcher. But the crowds were so think, they had to break a hole in the ceiling and lower him to his healing savior. That's how much faith they had. 


What would the world be like, if we all had roof-busting faith?

The Tale of the Tax

Nov 24 - Troy Oliver

Benjamin Franklin famously said, two things in life are certain: Death and Taxes. No matter where we look, our culture tells us what to pay, how to pay, when to pay, and who to pay. But when the Temple-tax collectors ask if Jesus is willing to pay, he asks a different question.


Nov 17 - Troy Oliver

Sometimes, we get comfortable with mis-matched things in our lives. We let our culture tell us when things go together, or when they clash. In Matthew 9, the disciples of John the Baptist ask Jesus why his disciples do not fast as they do. Jesus answers by pondering whether their customs match his purpose for his people.

A Man on a Mission

Nov 10 - Troy Oliver

Perhaps we could learn a lesson about "mission" from our Veteran's. It takes dedication and heart to see a mission through. Perhaps Saul of Tarsus had all the tangible qualities of a mission-ary. Perhaps his heart was in the right place. But, he was going about it all wrong.

Who Do You Trust? (pt. 3)

Nov 3 - Troy Oliver

For his final temptation, the Devil takes Jesus to the pinnacle of the Temple. He tells Jesus to hurl himself into the ravine below, and test whether God will send Angels to save him. He wants Jesus to demand from God, a proof of his salvation. 


Do you require God to bring you salvation, on your time, in your way?

Who Do You Trust? (pt. 2)

Oct 27 - Troy Oliver

The Devil's second temptation of Jesus asks the same question, -- Who do you trust? But it comes in a different form. He offers Jesus the authority to rule over the kingdoms of the Earth. The temptation begs the question: who is your authority?

Who Do You Trust? (pt. 1)

Oct 20 - Troy Oliver

After Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit led him into the wilderness, where he was tempted three times by the Devil. He did not eat for forty days, at the end of which, the Devil said, "Turn these rocks into bread." Jesus faced the same temptation we face everyday. Should I depend on myself for my bread, or depend on God?

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